Strengths of this type of specialization:

Tesio Cooling Systems stands out for its high reputation worldwide. Our customers, all primary brands in the railway and off road-vehicle production sector, confirm the outstanding company performance achieved through continuous requests.
The typical application sectors of Tesio Cooling Systems products are:
Off-road Construction Machine
Off-road Agricultural Machine
The strong corporate specialization in the THERMAL SECTOR focuses on two specific business lines, COOLING and AIR CONDITIONING SECTOR, each of which is distinct in different typical sectors.
The COOLING sector
is characterized by three product lines:
1. Cooling Units, for Railway & Off-road vehicle sector;
2. Radiators, with “Plate & Bars” technology, brazed in a vacuum oven, for the Railway & Off-road vehicle sector;
3. Liquid Cold Plates, made through our specific brazing technology, for various fields of application.
is specializes in the design and industrialization of:
1.Complete Air Conditioning system for the off-road vehicle sector.
2.Complete Air Conditioning system for the railway sector.
3. Complete Air Conditioning system for the electric vehicle battery sector.
A third line of products focuses on the CARPENTRY, of small and medium size, derived from metal sheet. This activity, in addition to supporting the core activities of Thermal projects, represents an opportunity for our customers who see Tesio Cooling Systems as a qualified partner for dealing with projects in the sectors:
1. Railway;
2. Off-road vehicle;
3. Elevator.